The Portrait Artist Amidst Writers

I was very much interested in writing whilst growing up. From primary, through to junior high and senior high schools, I was fascinated by the art of writing and spent time reading newspapers and writing a few short stories and articles here and there. Most times, I would spend my daily pocket money on newspapers which end up being borrowed by grown-ups!

But I lost it along the way. I found a different art form (drawing), and let writing go, fortunately or unfortunately. The interest is still there but I hardly have time for it as I spend almost all my time drawing.

Now to the substantive issue, call it coincidence but I was posted to the Ghana Association of Writers for my national service a few months ago. Yes, they did. I don’t know how it happened but that is where I was posted to. For several months now, I’ve been working with many renowned Ghanaian writers, some of whom I read from and admired their style way back in basic and high school. The Association is doing a lot in terms of going down to the schools to inspire the young aspiring writers so their passion in the field wouldn’t die, as mine did, lol. I’m giving my all, because I know there are many students in the various schools who are like me when I was there. I may have found art, but not everyone possesses that.

Technology has made things easier today. There are blogs and social media that the youth, especially aspiring writers, can take advantage of. If I have gone beyond showing my works to a few friends, family and school mates to reaching the world, I suppose you can do better as a writer if you put your mind to it.

I’ll be ending my service with the association by the end of July. Until then, am gladly combining work in my studio and that with the association. Have a good day!